Freedom - Progressive Lens
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Freedom - Progressive Lens

Freedom lenses are designed with Freeform Progressive Back Surfacing, Wave Front and High Order Aberration Elimination technologies, providing wearers with better vision than conventional progressive lenses (PALs).


  1. 30% increase in field of vision30% increase in field of vision compared to PALs
  2. 20% less distortion compared to PALs



Freedom Life is a customizable lifestyle progressive lens, to suit the way you most use your glasses, with a selection of

3 available zone designs:

  1. Large Near: Enhanced near zone mainly for office work, reading documents and other materials
  2. Balanced: Established balance for all areas
  3. Large Far: Optimized distance zone largely for working outdoors



Freedom Solace 3D, the wearer can feel more visual comfort in the near and mid distances, resulting in more accurate vision than with conventional progressive lens,where the inset is fixed.







Freedom Curve is a freeform progressive lens, ideal for sport enthusiasts. With Freedom's advanced technology, 'Sport Tech', Freedom Curve correct optical issues usually associated with prescription lenses for wraparound frames. 

Eye protection, from dust, wind and the like, is also especially important during sport.