TOG receives 5-Star CGR score for 2023
TOG receives 5-Star CGR score for 2023

TOG คว้าคะแนน CGR “ระดับ 5 ดาว” ประจำปี 2566

Thai Optical Group Public Company Limited (TOG), an essential consumer goods manufacturer and distributor of optical lenses, received the 5-star corporate governance evaluation score ‘Excellent’ in a corporate governance survey, known as the Corporate Governance Report (CGR) of Thai Listed Companies 2023. A total of 782 participating listed companies were surveyed in the report by the Thai Institute of Directors Association (Thai IOD), with the support of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET).

TOG’s evaluation score of ‘Excellent’ reflects the company’s implementation and execution of corporate governance practices, which align with good economic, social and environmental (ESG) principles, along with corporate development and responsible business conduct. TOG continuously aims to drive the organization towards sustainable growth, whilst building confidence amongst shareholders, investors and stakeholders.